Environmental and Asbestos Services, Inc. was one of the first companies to utilize the new Michigan Underground Storage Tank Authority (MUSTA) fund. We have the experience, knowledge and expertise to assist owners and operators in obtaining financial assistance to remediate contamination caused by a petroleum underground storage tank release and in attaining the maximum reimbursement for corrective actions undertaken at your site.
A new amendment signed in 2016 for the MUSTA, under Part 215, Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Funding, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended, significantly lowered deductibles and expanded insurance of leaking underground storage tanks that are properly registered and eligible under the fund.
To better understand the MUSTA fund, we have provided an overview below on what is required to be in compliance and eligible for MUSTA funding when it really matters.
The UST system must be in compliance with the registration, fee requirements, and rules under Part 211 of the NREPA prior to a release being discovered.
Any release must be reported to the acting underground storage tank governmental authority (LARA) within 24 hours of its discovery in order to be eligible for reimbursement.
Owners, operators and its affiliates will be eligible under the MUSTA fund only for releases from underground storage tanks discovered on or after the signatory date of the bill, December 30, 2014.
Michigan Underground Storage Tank Authority (MUSTA) fund will not cover a claim for a UST closed before January 1, 1974.
Contact us today for your free evaluation and assistance in determining your eligibility to access the fund and help in submitting a claim.
Additionally, the owner or operator must claim financial responsibility for the deductible amount, and pay the deducible amount, and not exceed the claim limit detailed below:
a.) If an owner or operator or its affiliate owns or operates fewer than eight USTs, their deductible amount is $2,000 per claim. If an owner, operator or its affiliate owns or operates eight or more USTs, their deductible amount is $10,000 per claim.
b.) The claims limit for a release is $1 million, subtracting the appropriate deductible amount of either $2,000 or $10,000.
c.) The claim period aggregate limit is $1 million for all releases discovered during a claim period for owners, operators and affiliates with up to 100 USTs.
d.) Owners, operators and affiliates with more than 100 USTs are subject to a claim period aggregate limit of $2 million for all releases discovered during a claim period.